Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist

Ashley Ladd

Twiddy & Co Sales Outer Banks Realtors

Originally from Kitty Hawk, Ashley comes from a real estate lineage deeply rooted in the Outer Banks. With both her parents boasting over 40 years of successful careers in the industry, Ashley's journey began at a young age, assisting with buyers, sellers, and property management in the family business. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Ashley obtained her NC Real Estate Broker’s License and transitioned to residential real estate sales in Raleigh. In 2016, she returned to her roots on the Outer Banks, joining Twiddy & Company. Over the past 8 years, Ashley has become an integral part of Twiddy & Company, wielding her expertise and genuine care for each client. She navigates the complexities of today's competitive market with ease, ensuring successful closings and fulfilling real estate experiences for all involved.
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Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist

Ashley's Recently Sold Listings

Duck Real Estate Office
1181 Duck Road
Duck, NC 27949
(252) 457-1600
Corolla Real Estate Office
1142 Ocean Trail
Corolla, NC 27927
(252) 457-1600
4x4 Real Estate Office
1994 Sandfiddler Road
Corolla, NC 27927
(252) 457-1600
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